Maximize Your Revenues!
DollarSaver FAQ
"After reviewing the DollarSaver Program, this seems like a simple concept. Why shouldn't our radio station do this on our own? Why do we need DollarSaver?"
DollarSaver is a simple turnkey solution that generates revenue from businesses who told your sales representatives “NO” to cash advertising.
But behind this simple turnkey solution, is a substantial investment in technology, both financially, and in years of professional radio promotion experience.
Creating a profitable e-commerce certificate program that supplements your cash advertising, involves a great deal of extra time and expense, easily 40 to 60 hours weekly, requiring the addition of a dedicated employee.
It has only been through a substantial investment in time, money, and knowledge that we have been able to create the DollarSaver program at a scale where we can offer this service to individual stations, with no financial expense for the station.
Choosing to create your own in-house program, requires you to put up a substantial investment in technology, including a new website; adding a new employee to your staff; and creating an ongoing marketing campaign. By themselves, these expenses require a large financial investment upfront. And once your program is up and running, you need a substantial amount of sales each month just to break even.
By signing with DollarSaver you can begin earning money almost immediately, without having any financial investment, or personnel issues.
So, it really comes down to just 2 simple questions:
1) Do you have the resources to create a website and hire an individual to manage your e-commerce certificate program with the hope of breaking even and making a few bucks?
2) Do you sign with DollarSaver, and receive a free website, and personnel to manage it, with no financial investment, and begin increasing your revenues and your bottom-line?
The answer is simple – DollarSaver – Money for nothin’ and your checks for free!
"How does my station make money? "
Your station sells bartered items through the DollarSaver e-commerce website. The net receipts of those sales create a non-traditional revenue stream for your station.
"How is the DollarSaver program compensated?
DollarSaver is 100% commissioned based. As DollarSaver makes your station money we make money. We only get compensated when you make money.
"How does my station get paid?”
At the end of the month, the total sales for your station are tabulated. Your station is mailed a check, along with written documentation of all sales for that month. Included with the “total sales report”, your station also receives a “salesperson report” breaking out sales by salesperson for easy commission payments.
"My station's staff is very small. How could we add anything else to their daily duties?"
There are no additional duties for your sales and administration staff! All extra duties are performed by DollarSaver including maintaining your DollarSaver website and the delivery of certificates.
"How will this affect my cash business?"
It will not hurt your cash business. In fact, the DollarSaver program is designed to increase your station’s cash advertising! The DollarSaver experts will help you manage your sales staff’s efforts by turning nontraditional advertisers into cash clients and increasing some of your current client’s budgets.
"How will this affect my programming?"
This is a very positive on-going station promotion, saving your listeners 30-50% off items they shop for every day!